Centennial Post 1919

American Legion

Greenwood, IN


How the smoke cleared for Indiana’s Centennial Post

American Legion Post 1919 in Greenwood, Indiana, operates just like any other American Legion post, but Legionnaires here have made a habit of “thinking outside the box” to set them apart and make the post successful.

For instance, one of the first things you notice about the post is that it operates from inside of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Greenwood Post 5864.

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CENTENNIAL POST 1919 is committed to providing continued service to fellow veterans, their families and our community because our time of service has not ended. Our goal is to provide a safe haven for our active military, Veterans and their families. We are a non-profit volunteer organization that is proud to serve those that serve or served!

  • Smoke Free Facility
  • Multiple banquet rooms
  • Full canteen
  • Outdoor shelter
  • Family activities, etc.
  • Convenient location, easy access...
  • Sharing the building with VFW Post 5864.
  • Vets helping vets!
  • VFW Newsletter

As a fellow American, you chose to give service to your country when you joined the military. For those of us who have served, there is a bond that cannot be broken. Our lives and our backgrounds can be as different as night and day, but we are joined by dedication, by service and by experiences that are uniquely ours. And we are joined, too, by an organization, founded to serve us only with privileges and benefits we have earned with blood, sweat, and courage.


We are veterans just like you. We care about America, our fellow veterans, our families and our children.

As a member of Post 1919 we continue to serve our God, our Country and our Community. 

Your Post needs you now.

Our Legionnaires participate in many community activities such as parades, memorials, dedications, etc.

Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris


Post 1919 Twitter

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